We are extremely pleased to introduce Curt Stapleton and Corey Pelton. Both pastors are raising funds and preparing to head to the field in January 2022. Curt is planting a church in Athens, TN, while Corey will be seeding church plants in southern Appalachia. Praise God with us, and please pray for these initiatives.
Thirteen years ago, Curt planted a church in Morgantown, WV where he has faithfully served since. Originally from east Tennessee, he is excited to return to his home region to plant Redeemer Presbyterian. His mission is to reach the Athens and McMinn County areas with the gospel of Jesus. His youngest daughter will be attending McMinn County High School where the Stapletons can begin building relationships and forming the core group of the church.
A PCA pastor for 25 years, Corey Pelton has recently been called to the unique role of rural church developer. Similar to the apostle Paul’s work and the Methodist circuit riders, Corey will be seeding church plants all along the Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia borders.
Small mountain towns in southern Appalachia need the gospel, but they are often overlooked. Through this initiative, we hope to bring robust, grace-filled theology to people in easily isolated areas. Key to the success of the plants, local leaders will be one of Corey’s main focuses. As he travels across the region, Corey will get to know each community and work with local leaders. Learn more about the rural church development initiative here.