By the Lord’s provision, we not only reached our 2021 financial goal of $415,000, but we surpassed it. The Lord used the generosity of many of you to advance the Gospel, and together, 85 individuals and families gave $493,440 in 2021. Whether you supported the church plants with your time or resources, prayed for the churches, or followed along with our stories, thank you for helping us reach our annual goal.
TVP invests $25,000 per year for three years as seed funding for each plant, and every gift directly impacts the work of the church planters, core groups, and communities that you see featured in this blog. If you would like to give to continue moving the Gospel forward, you can give online or by mail.
Mail checks or money orders to:
Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233
Make checks payable to MNA, and include a note clearly designating “Tennessee Valley Presbytery Church Planting” or the name of a specific church plant.