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Corby Shields Joins Mosaic Fellowship


As you may recall from our previous newsletter, Mosaic Fellowship in Chattanooga, TN has been going through a leadership transition. We are thankful for the provisional session that led Mosaic through this time. Now, we are thankful to the Lord and excited to announce that Corby Shields has agreed to serve as church planting pastor for Mosaic.

Corby comes to Mosaic from Rock Creek Fellowship on Lookout Mountain, GA where he has been serving as an associate pastor. As a fellow Tennessee Valley Presbytery Church and sister church of Mosaic, Rock Creek is glad to be able to support Mosaic - even while they are sad to say farewell to Corby and his family. Check back in our August newsletter for the full story of how the Lord led Corby, Mosaic, and Rock Creek through this season.

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